Ernesto Grijalva Ortega, CFA,瑞士日内瓦金融专家
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Ernesto Grijalva Ortega, CFA

Verified Expert  in Finance

Management Consulting Expert

Geneva, Switzerland
Toptal Member Since
June 8, 2017

埃内斯托是纽约波士顿咨询集团私募股权业务的前核心成员, where he specialized in due diligence, strategy, pricing, and transformation projects. Prior to BCG, he was an investment advisor, 帮助摩根大通筹集和管理5亿美元的资产. 埃内斯托喜欢自由职业项目,在那里他可以利用他以前与企业家合作的经验, investors, and lenders.

Career Highlights

Project Leader
The Boston Consulting Group

Education Highlights

Bachelor's Degree
Universidad de San Andres

Case Studies

Work Experience


2013 - PRESENT
  • 作为顾问委员会的积极成员,就战略决策向企业家提供指导.
  • 协助制作营销材料和商业计划书,成功募集1美元.500万的种子轮和另外两轮.
  • 在与供应商和联盟的关键谈判中提供战略指导.
  • 协助管理团队制定5年商业计划和营销材料, 在第三次筹款活动中使用,希望筹集2亿美元.5 million of growth equity.
重点领域:筹款,商业规划,财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A)

Project Leader

2013 - 2017
The Boston Consulting Group
  • 在不同行业进行了10多个预调查/商业尽职调查项目, Retail, Real Estate, Financial Services, 和医疗保健——作为私募股权团队的一员. Efforts included market growth and trends, competitive positioning, historical performance of targets, business plan development and assessment, 确定主要风险和建议的缓解措施, target identification, and synergy analysis.
  • Developed a strategic and investment roadmap for an international real estate developer which included: (a) selection of Real Estate sub-asset classes and geographies of focus; (b) financial model to assist in land acquisition decision-making; and (c) budgeting model to understand capital needs and to optimize capital structure of selected projects.
  • 为一家领先的拉丁美洲包装消费品公司制定全面的定价策略. 该项目还包括创建日常使用的定价工具(例如.g., price pianos). 提议的计划对底线产生了+10%的影响.
  • 为实体经济领域的私募股权投资制定了2020年投资组合战略. 输出是一套投资指导方针,供首席投资官(CIO)为家族企业部署10亿美元.
  • 定义吸引力(含定量和定性模型), size, 以及一家大型电信公司进入主要新兴市场的市场进入策略.
  • Managed PMO (project management office) during a major transformation at a leading global hedge fund; resulted in the successful outsourcing of its back-office.
  • 领导新员工培训,包括为期5天的关键咨询技能新兵训练营.g., financial modeling, back-of-the-envelope analysis, slide writing, storytelling) for the entering, post-MBA class of 2016.
  • 协调和定义哥伦比亚五大零售银行的转型计划.
Focus areas: Cash Flow Modeling, Financial Modeling, Three-statement Modeling, Valuation Modeling, Market Opportunity Analysis, Market Research, Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A)、价格分析、战略、业务规划、预算、尽职调查、财务战略

Global Investment Specialist

2008 - 2013
JP Morgan
  • 为拉丁美洲客户的投资组合提供咨询和管理总资产超过5亿美元. 协助客户提供理财产品和服务:投资, Credit, Fiduciary, 财务规划和投资组合建设,负责投资建议.
  • 指导客户确定长期目标, risk profile and constraints, 并积极管理由此产生的最合适的投资组合.
  • 为客户提供跨资产类别(固定收益)的投资机会建议, equities, alternatives, 外汇)使用多种投资工具(单线), exchange traded funds, mutual funds, structured products, derivatives, hedge funds, Private Equity and Real Estate).
  • 建议投资组合配置和建设, responsible for trading, investment/portfolio reviews, 客户发展和建议,包括研究和投资理由的每一个建议(股权, credit, FX, hedging).
  • 通过组织路演,协助另类投资集团募集部分私募基金和对冲基金, 主要客户的会议和营销材料的准备.
  • 从事超高净值(UHNW)客户获取工作, including cold calls, research, referrals, 与勘探者和投行同事的持续沟通, periodic visits to the region.
Focus areas: Capital Markets, Portfolio Analysis, Market Research, Equity Research, Fundraising, Fund Analysis
2010 - 2012

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) in Finance

CFA Institute - Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

2003 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration


2006 - 2006

Exchange Student in Finance

University of Bath - Bath, UK

2003 - 2003

Exchange Student in Business Administration



定价,估值,三陈述模型,财务规划 & Analysis (FP&A), Market Research, Fundraising, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Due Diligence, Budgeting, Leveraged Buyout Modeling, Equity Research, Forecasting, Finance Strategy, Price Analysis, Market Opportunity Analysis, Valuation Modeling, Financial Modeling, Cash Flow Modeling, Fund Analysis, Portfolio Analysis, Investment Memoranda, Comparable Company Analysis, Investment Thesis

Output Software

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Project, Excel 2016

Industry Expertise

Real Estate, Financial Services, Retail & Wholesale, Capital Markets

Data & Analysis Software

Capital IQ, Factiva,汤森路透,彭博社

Geographic Expertise



推销平台,市场,商业计划,战略,市场研究 & Analysis, Business Models, Management, Growth Strategy, Business Consulting, Consulting, Business Modeling, Business Plan Consulting, Small Business Consultants, Management Consulting, Growth Strategy Consultants, Research Analysis, Acquisitions, Market Assessment, Investor Presentations, Research, Writing & 编辑、经济分析、经济学、投资者关系、CPG

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